Friday, 10 May 2013

Why are promotional pens the best way to advertise?

If you haven’t noticed yet, there’s a marketing giveaway trend that’s engulfing all companies. Everyone wants to give promotional pens; custom sports drink bottles, T-Shirts and caps to their customers! It is natural to use promotional products for building a strong brand name because of the innumerable benefits they offer.

Here’s why promotional products seem to be the best way to advertise in today’s times –

• Good return on investment: Whenever firms hire an advertising agency, they ask for an estimate return on investment. Return on investment stands for the amount of money you get back for the amount you’ve invested. This ratio should always be greater than 1 to ensure profits. Promotional products such as a drink bottle or a sports bottle are pretty cost effective. If compared to the money invested in television commercials, the money invested in promotional merchandize is quite low. This ensures better chances of good ROI.

• Retaining existing customers: Unless you offer something new to your old customers, they will not stay with you. Customers have a really short likeability span and can switch loyalties if another firm seems good. To make sure your customers are happy, you should constantly give them promotional merchandize. Things like a calendar, a polo t-shirt and stubby holders that can be used daily are some really good options.

• Reinforcement: You need to remind the target audience time and again that you are present in the market. If you give away promotional products, it will send across a clear cut message that you are not only present, but in a position to spend on giveaways. You can thus build a healthy image in the minds of all your customers. Reinforcement is a vital aspect of brand building and should be regularly done, irrespective of which medium you use.

 • Brand Awareness: There are a lot of people who might not be aware of your existence. This happens a lot to brands who are new and haven’t used marketing tools enough to let people know about them. Promotional giveaways are a great way to create brand awareness. If someone hangs your personalized calendar in their office lobby, won’t all the visitors notice your brand name? Or if someone carries a custom sports water bottle for their sports practice, won’t the fellow team mates have a look? Your brand awareness can increase tremendously.

 Doling out promotional items can make your customers feel really good. It’s as if you are acknowledging them materialistically for being associated with their organization. Firms usually thank their growing customer base by showing their prowess on a television commercial. However, there’s no materialistic gratification for the customers. Promotional items are just the right way to please them.

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